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Mini Tennis Stage 2 Orange 60ks V Kyblíku

The ideal ball for beginners of all ages

Thanks to the pressure reduced Dunlop Mini Tennis Stage 2 Orange tennis ball even the youngest players perform like professionals.

Due to its' Play and Stay characteristic this ball is about 50% slower than standard tennis balls. With its reduced pressure the Dunlop Mini Tennis Stage 2 Orange in a set of 60 balls in a free bucket ideal for children over 6 years and beginners of all ages. The bright design of the Mini Tennis Stage 2 Orange is particularly appealing to children.

Get your new yellow/orange balls and practice like the adults.

  • The ideal ball for beginners of all ages
  • Play and Stay Stage 2 and thus 50% slower than a standard tennis ball
  • Bright design tennis balls in 60 set including a bucket free of charge.

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Dunlop Mini Tennis Stage 2 Orange 60ks V Kyblíku

Art. No: 0162460163200000

3.010 Kč -13% 2.629 Kč 60 STCK | 44 Kč/STCK
Cenová stupnice
Přidat do seznamu přání
Na skladě
2-3 Pracovní dny
Doprava zdarma od hodnoty objednávky 2.495 Kč
30 dní práva na vrácení zboží
vč.DPH , včetně dopravy