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Materiál Polyester
Struktura Monofil
Spin hodně
Jemná Ruka světlo
Herní Síla Hráč turnaje, Klubový hráč, Začátečníci
Délka 12 m


Focus-HEX Výpletová Sada 12m - Černá

Practical tennis string for tennis players with fast swings

Tennis depends on many factors such as the optimal tennis string. Get the handy MSV Focus-HEX string for your next game.

You should replace your strings immediately as soon as they are no longer optimal. The MSV Focus-HEX with its hexagonal profile is designed specifically for fast impact movements. The new string patters gives you even more control over the game.

Equip yourself now with the MSV Focus-HEX and benefit from the good features in the next game.

  • Designed for players with fast shots
  • With high spin potential
  • More control over the game
  • Made of high performance co-polyester
  • This tennis string has been repeatedly voted String of the Year at the String Forum

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MSV Focus-HEX Výpletová Sada 12m

Art. No: 03550001265000

240 Kč -28% 174 Kč 12 Metr - měřič | 14 Kč/Metr - měřič
Cenová stupnice
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Přidat do seznamu přání
Na skladě
3-4 Pracovní dny
Doprava zdarma od hodnoty objednávky 2.495 Kč
30 dní práva na vrácení zboží
vč.DPH , plus. Přepravní náklady
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