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Classic Grip 12ks Baleni - Černá

Exactly what you were looking for!

The Tennis Point Classic Grip is the right choice for you, as it focuses on just what is important to you – perfect grip. Thanks to the enhanced grip, your racket remains firmly in your grasp and even under strenuous pressure you are able to give your best performance.

The Tennis-Point overgrip also offers good durability, which means it does not have to be replaced so often. It offers a pleasant playing sensation and even when you sweat it remains dry and firm in your hand.

Convince yourself now of the Tennis-Point Classic-Grip and your best performance is bound to start.

  • Firm overgrip
  • Perfect grip even under pressure
  • Perfect durability

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Tennis-Point Classic Grip 12ks Baleni

Art. No: 0316340121100000

500 Kč -36% 319 Kč 12 STCK | 27 Kč/STCK
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