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Materiál Polyester
Struktura Monofil
Spin hodně
Jemná Ruka světlo
Herní Síla Hráč turnaje, Klubový hráč, Začátečníci
Délka 200 m


Revolve Výplet - Role 200m - Šedá

Extreme spin performance with the perfected Revolve from Wilson

A completely new design in tennis strings guarantees maximum spin and power

The Wilson Revolve has been constructed with interwoven ester polymer and UHMW. This is how the snapping back of the string is realized and transferred the optimal spin force on the ball. This string movement assists balls played with twist to be more comfortably played. Simultaneously this string offers a high level of stability and perfect user comfort. Whoever anyway relies on the quality of a Wilson Spin racket can improve their spin performance even more by using this string.

The perfect choice for players using a Wilson Spin racket.

  • Ideal for powerful play!
  • perfected spin power
  • For a game with high user comfort.
  • stable and perfect for dynamic matches.

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Wilson Revolve Výplet

Art. No: 00753002001000

4.200 Kč -27% 3.059 Kč 200 Metr - měřič | 15 Kč/Metr - měřič
Cenová stupnice
Prosím zvolte velikost
Přidat do seznamu přání
Na skladě
3-4 Pracovní dny
Doprava zdarma od hodnoty objednávky 2.495 Kč
30 dní práva na vrácení zboží
vč.DPH , včetně dopravy
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