25 let Tennis-Point Oslavte a získejte extra 10% slevu na exkluzivní zboží. Kód²: EXCLUSIVE10


Velikost Hlavy 710 cm²
Náhled Výpletu 16/18
Váha Bez Výpletu 270 g
Délka 692 mm
Bilanční Bod 335 mm


Ultra 110 Turnajová Raketa
Drive your opponent up against the wall!

With the Wilson Ultra 100L, you take the reins in your hand. Due to the constant power the racket gives you, you can really put the pressure on your opponent until he gives up. The large racket head enables you to deliver hard, accurate shots. The lightness of the racket improves sensitivity and agility.

Particularly rapid changes of direction do not bother the Ultra 100 L in the slightest. You will play your best tennis and float from one success to the next. This racket will even impress your own team colleagues because immediately it is obvious how consistent the Ultra 100L is.

Get yourself a Wilson Ultra 100L now and start a new chapter of success.

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Wilson Ultra 110 Turnajová Raketa

Art. No: 00704003191000

5.400 Kč -40% 3.260 Kč
2.960 Kč z 2 KS
Cenová stupnice
1 Kus z 2 KS
3.260 Kč 2.960 Kč
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